Common App Essays

The better your presentation through the essay, the better your chance of making an impact. The acceptance rate of students who come up with amazingly wonderful essays is higher. Increase your chance of acceptance by college, university, or B-School of your choice!

This article provides you with the information needed to plan and write a wonderful essay for your Ivy League admission. 

Let us get into some basics. 

Common App Essays

Imagine you are a student aspiring to get into one of the Ivy schools of your choice, or your dreams, maybe. Would it not have been a good thing if getting into a college had nothing to do with good or poor grades, or small or big achievements? Students would feel happy if class rank, test scores, and accomplishments were not relevant to securing admission at one of the top and leading Ivy schools. But all those things are important. It is unavoidable. but wait, past achievements pale in the background when it comes to admission at Ivy schools, colleges, or universities. 

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Common App Essays

The essay will make a big difference. The admission committee may look for something unique that helps them know who you are. The committee would make a decision based on the essay provided to them. It will not be a decision for them, but it has the power to change the rest of their life. Such could be the power of one or two double-spaced essay pages. 

Students are always nervous. (Not talking about those who feel a little elated to writing). What shall be the frame of mind of a student who is creating an Ivy League essay? Experts suggest that students treat everything done in the past, the past. Stop worrying over poor grades. You can't go back into your past and make changes as you wish. But, even for Ivy admissions, top test scores, and solid GPA may not always matter the most. So, students resting on their laurels might end up with stark disappointment, or in other words rejection. 

Common App Essays Prompts

Treat your Ivy essay as the only thing that can help you reach your goals. 

Interview with the expert admission officers and admission committee members reveals that the students even with poor grades or test scores, manage to get to their goals easily just with their essays. 

Students have the control. Students can make their way to get into any college or university they want more easily than ever with their essays. what they want to show is up to them. if they show themselves as smart and back up their claims with a story, they get through this test and get admission. but not all the students understand this, they underestimate the significance of this little piece of advice. 

Get essay writing services from experts. 

Common App Essays Writing Services

Are essays really important?

The answer to this question in one syllable is YES. If you do not want to take our word on it. 

Good scores denote that the applicant has 50-50 chances of acceptance. A good SAT score may increase your admission chances to 20% more. But admission officers confer a huge chunk of significance on the essay. A good essay will increase the chance of admission to 90% or above. 

Remember your ivy essay is going to be the face of your ivy school college or university application. An applicant with a poor essay will never make it.

Don't just be a faceless person in the crowd of applicants applying to Ivy schools. 

Common App Essays Services

Your application is no more than a few lifeless sheets of papers. A few words. A few sentences. May be a story. But, making your application stronger is possible with an essay. An essay written with no care or less care will never attract admission officers. Instill psychological aspects into the essay and make the officers feel more compelled to take you into the course. Write something that they have never heard or seen or something that is harder for them to reject. 

Common App Essay

Let them know you are well. like you know them. If your essay goes well then, they will accept you no matter how poor you performed academically.